"Hartys" is the first in a set of pieces inspired by people and places that feel like 'home'. Our efforts to include all that was magical about the Harty family have culminated in an eclectic musical adventure spanning time and space!
We're incredibly grateful for the warmth and love that the Harty Family have brought into our lives and we can't wait until we can see them again.
This track will feature on our soon to be released 'Homelands' Album.
"Mountains" is a piece inspired by the hills across the bay from Port Appin, above Glengalmadale on the other side of Loch Linnhe. Both of us are keen hillwalkers and began discussing how our sense of time changes when climbing a hill- these vast, pre-historic ripples in the landscape which move at a different pace from our own busy lives.
Our piece first introduces the mountains in their own right, and then follows a character as he awakes in the morning and sets off up a hill, eventually becoming part of the land he's walking through.
TRAD SET: The Snipe/Miss Clark of Honolulu
A wee sample of some of our more traditional style of playing. This is a set from an online concert we gave recently for the 2021 IVAR (Institute for Voluntary Action Research) conference.
The first tune is a lovely march called The Snipe, composed by the great fiddle teacher and player Donald Riddell. And we follow that with a great slip jig called Miss Clark of Honolulu. We learnt this great tune from Australian fiddler Liam King, and it comes from a manuscript of tunes compiled by Scottish fiddler Alexander Laing, transported to Tasmania in 1813.
The tune appears to be a version of "The Humours of Ballymanus", which appears in several Irish tune collections from the 19th and 20th centuries.
The Paper Cave - Metro Madness
We're delighted to share with you our newest tune, recorded live from Laura Mcglinchey's magical Paper Cave - a wonderful venue made entirely from up-cycled tickets and flyers to events which were cancelled by the pandemic.
'Metro Madness’ celebrates the tumult and turmoil of city living. Occasionally, the pandemonium is punctuated by brief moments of tranquillity before we’re swept back into the urban chaos."
Massive thanks to Lee Boyce for the videography and, as always, to Stevie Cossar for the audio engineering.
This piece “Dealan-Dé” (meaning Butterfly in Scottish Gaidhlig) was composed and recorded remotely during lockdown for Feis Rois' 'In Tune with Nature' competition. The music was inspired by the rare marsh-fritillary butterfly. The Taynish NNR is one of the few places in Scotland this beautiful creature can be seen. After the introduction, the butterfly explores the micro-world of Taynish; the ferns, the lichen, and beasties which make this ancient oak woodland so magical. A storm brews in the second section, and our wee friend is buffeted by the wind and the waves. Finally, the clouds part, the sun shines and we soar up above the reserve, looking down on this magnificent landscape.
The video was edited by the fantastic filmmaker, Graeme Rogers and the footage was filmed at Taynish by Graeme, Roo and Neil.